Perth Pewter

Authorized dealer since 2012

Product Image Item Name- Model Qty. Price
Treasure Dragon

Treasure Dragon

This dragon happily sits atop his treasure pile with copious amounts of gold. The open chest further reveals jewels and riches exceeding your wildest...
B1PPFA73 1 $115.00




The prey of Tyrannosaurus Rex and one of the last dinosaurs to become extinct, Triceratops, which means three horned face, was a plant eater and...
PPDS03Triceratops 1 $40.00


Tyranosaurus Rex

Tyranosaurus Rex

Tyrannosaurus Rex, whose name means tyrant lizard king lived during the late Cretaceous period and was a carnivore. Its remains have been found in...
B3PPDS02TRexLarge 1 $65.00


Tyranosaurus Rex - Small

Tyranosaurus Rex - Small

Tyrannosaurus Rex, whose name means tyrant lizard king lived during the late Cretaceous period was a carnivore. Its remains have been found in...
PPDS04TRexSmall 1 $50.00


Undead Chaos Knight - Miniature

Undead Chaos Knight - Miniature

He is hard to kill...because he's dead. A knight for hire do do the worst of the worst. © 2016. 1.7" Tall X 1.75" Wide X .4" Deep US Made Solid...
PPN155UndeadChaosKnight 1 $15.00


Undead Giant Assassin with Crystal Eyes - Miniature

Undead Giant Assassin with Crystal Eyes - Miniature

Red crystal eyes and two swords let the target know it's over. 25mm Scale © 2016. 2.77" Tall X 1.5" Wide X .64" Deep US Made Solid Lead Free...
PPN46UndeadGiantAssassin 1 $30.00


Undead Grinning Magi - Miniature

Undead Grinning Magi - Miniature

Undead Grinning Magi with red crystal eyes. © 1981. 1.25" Tall X .62" Wide X .5" Deep US Made Solid Lead Free Pewter
PPAC126UndeadGrinningMagi 1 $15.00


Unicorn Earrings

Unicorn Earrings

A beautiful pair of equine earrings complete with a magical horn. Blue crystals for eyes and a white crystal for extra sparkle. Look for the Unicorn...
BB1.13PPJE04UnicornEars 1 $30.00


Unicorn Ornament

Unicorn Ornament

Sparkling Swarovski crystals twinkle in the Christmas tree's lights and show off the unicorn in all his detail. © 2003. 2 1/4" Tall X 1 3/4"...
PPOR02 1 $35.00


Unicorn Pendant - Blue Eye

Unicorn Pendant - Blue Eye

A regal unicorn complete with beard and flowing mane shines with a sparkling crystal and a deep blue crystal eye. Look for the unicorn earrings to...
BB1.22PPJN30Unicorn 1 $25.00


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