
Featured Items

The Featured Items are all in house and ready to ship.

Wish List

Your Wish List helps us decide what products to keep in stock and have ready for you to order. Fill in your wish list and watch for your item to hit the Featured Items section. We don't guarantee that every item on your Wish List will make it to the Featured Items section, but it definitely has a better chance!

How long will it take for my order to arrive?

If every item in your order is in the Featured Item section, you can expect immediate shipment via USPS Priority Mail.

If your item was not in the Featured Item section, we will order it from the manufacturer within a week. Typically the manufacturers take 2-3 weeks to ship items to us. When items arrive, we try to ship out the same or next day. This whole process take 3-5 weeks. We do our best to be as fast as possible.

Why does it take so long? Why not keep everything in stock?

Pewter will tarnish and dull with age. We have most of our items made for us on demand. This ensures that you receive the newest looking piece possible. We only keep items in stock that we sell quickly.

What if I need something quickly?

Email Christy and she will do her best to get your item to you as quickly as possible. In some cases we can even have the manufacturer overnight to you for the appropriate fee. Not all companies will do this for us, but if your item is from one who will, we will get it out as quickly as possible.


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